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front-page port 80-shoopyu Regular Expressions| Tryhackme |




Regular expressions (or Regex) are patterns of text that you define to search documents and match exactly what you’re looking for.


A charset is defined by enclosing in [ square brackets ] the character(s), or range of characters that we want to match. Then, it finds every occurrence of the pattern we have defined in the file/text we are searching.

To exclude certain characters from a charset, we use the ^ hat symbol. For example [^k]ing will match ring, sing, $ing, but not king.

If we want to exclude charsets, not just single characters, we can do it just like this : [^a-c]at will match fat and hat, but not bat or cat.

Match all of the following characters: c, o, g


Match all of the following words: cat, fat, hat


Match all of the following words: Cat, cat, Hat, hat


Match all of the following filenames: File1, File2, file3, file4, file5, File7, file9


Match all of the filenames of question 4, except “File7”


Wildcards and optional characters

The wildcard that is used to match any single character (except the line break) is the . dot. That means that a.c will match aac, abc, a0c, a!c, and so on.

Also, we can set a character as optional in our pattern using the ? question mark. That means that abc? will match ab and abc, since the c is optional.

If we want to search for . a literal dot, we have to escape it with a \ reverse slash. That means that a.c will match a.c, but also abc, a@c, and so on. But a\.c will match just a.c.

Match all of the following words: Cat, fat, hat, rat


Match all of the following words: Cat, cats


Match the following domain name: cat.xyz


Match all of the following domain names: cat.xyz, cats.xyz, hats.xyz


Match every 4-letter string that doesn’t end in any letter from n to z


Match bat, bats, hat, hats, but not rat or rats


Metacharacters and repetitions

There are easier ways to match bigger charsets. For example, \d is used to match any single digit. Here’s a reference:
\d matches a digit, like 9
\D matches a non-digit, like A or @
\w matches an alphanumeric character, like a or 3
\W matches a non-alphanumeric character, like ! or #
\s matches a whitespace character (spaces, tabs, and line breaks)
\S matches everything else (alphanumeric characters and symbols)

Underscores _ are included in the \w metacharacter and not in \W. That means that \w will match every single character in test_file.

Often we want a pattern that matches many characters of a single type in a row, and we can do that with repetitions. For example, {2} is used to match the preceding character (or metacharacter, or charset) two times in a row. That means that z{2} will match exactly zz.

Here’s a reference for each repetition along with how many times it matches the preceding pattern:

{12} - exactly 12 times.
{1,5} - 1 to 5 times.
{2,} - 2 or more times.
* - 0 or more times.
+ - 1 or more times.

Match the following word: catssss


Match all of the following words (use the * sign): Cat, cats, catsss


Match all of the following sentences (use the + sign): regex go br, regex go brrrrrr

regex go br+

Match all of the following filenames: ab0001, bb0000, abc1000, cba0110, c0000 (don’t use a metacharacter)


Match all of the following filenames: File01, File2, file12, File20, File99


Match all of the following folder names: kali tools, kali tools


Match all of the following filenames: notes~, stuff@, gtfob#, lmaoo!


Match the string in quotes (use the * sign and the \s, \S metacharacters): “2f0h@f0j0%! a)K!F49h!FFOK”


Match every 9-character string (with letters, numbers, and symbols) that doesn’t end in a “!” sign


Match all of these filenames (use the + symbol): .bash_rc, .unnecessarily_long_filename, and note1


Starts with/ ends with, groups, and either/ or

Sometimes it’s very useful to specify that we want to search by a certain pattern in the beginning or the end of a line. We do that with these characters:
^ - starts with
$ - ends with

So for example, if we want to search for a line that starts with abc, we can use ^abc.
If you want to search for a line that ends with xyz, you can use xyz$.

Note that the ^ hat symbol is used to exclude a charset when enclosed in [square brackets], but when it is not, it is used to specify the beginning of a word.

We can also define groups by enclosing a pattern in (parentheses). We will use it to define an either/ or pattern, and also to repeat patterns. To say “or” in Regex, we use the | pipe.

For an “either/or” pattern example, the pattern during the (day|night) will match both of these sentences: during the day and during the night.

Match every string that starts with “Password:” followed by any 10 characters excluding “0”


Match “username: “ in the beginning of a line (note the space!)


Match every line that doesn’t start with a digit (use a metacharacter)


Match this string at the end of a line: EOF$


Match all of the following sentences:

  • I use nano

  • I use vim

    I use (nano|vim)

Match all lines that start with $, followed by any single digit, followed by $, followed by one or more non-whitespace characters


Match every possible IPv4 IP address (use metacharacters and groups)


Match all of these emails while also adding the username and the domain name (not the TLD) in separate groups (use \w): hello@tryhackme.com, username@domain.com, dummy_email@xyz.com


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