Discover Hidden Treasures 

instantly with GOOGLE_DORKS🔍

step-up your recon

Reverse IP lookup

Reverse IP Lookup is a way to identify hostnames that have DNS (A) records associated with an IP address.

Dns-history 💀


Shodan is a search engine that lets users search for various types of servers connected to the internet using a variety of filters


Github recon

search through your repository or your organization/user repositories. It's not a perfect tool at the moment but provides basic functionality to automate the search on your repositories against the dorks


Login pages Cyberaces

In the context of login pages, Google Dorks can be used to find vulnerable login pages of websites that may have security weaknesses


Open redirection

Open redirection vulnerabilities arise when an application incorporates user-controllable data into the target of a redirection in an unsafe way

open redirect dork💥

Security header-check

Security headers are directives used by web applications to configure security defenses in web browsers. Based on these directives, browsers can make it harder to exploit client-side vulnerabilities

sec-header dork🕶️

Wayback machine

A digital archive of the WEB, to find sensitive or interesting information about a organization that was previously publicly accessible.

Wayback searech💀

Wordpress Content search🔍

WordPress websites "wp-content" directory exposed and publicly accessible may contain vulnerabilities or sensitive information


AWS S3 Buckets

a search query used to find Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets that are misconfigured and publicly accessible.

aws s3-recon⚡

robot.txt searech💀 Cyberaces

find files named "robots.txt" on websites, which are used to control access to a website's pages by search engine crawlers and other automated agents



search query used to find websites that have the PHP "phpinfo" page publicly accessible. The PHP "phpinfo" page displays information about the server's PHP configuration


password files dork💥

used to find files that contain passwords on websites. These files can be in various formats, such as plaintext, CSV, or database files.

hunt for pass-files

SSL Test

SSL testing is a process of evaluating the security of the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol implementation on a web server.

Check for SSL certificate

Wordpress Dork 😈

A "deep search dork" in the context of web application penetration testing refers to a search query used to find vulnerable WordPress websites.

Hunt for vulnerable Wp-sites


CMS is a software platform that provides a framework for managing, organizing, and publishing web content, such as text, images, and videos.


Pastbin Lookup Cyberaces

Pastebin lookup is a process of searching the popular online text storage website Pastebin for sensitive information that may have-been leaked


dork-through stack-overflow

search query to find vulnerable webapp's is often used by security researchers and attackers to find vulnerabilities that can be exploited

stackoverflow dork💥

Subdomain CHECK 🕶️

a search query used to find subdomains of a particular domain. This type of search query is often used by security researchers and attackers to identify additional targets within a domain


config files dork💥 Cyberaces

search query used to find sensitive configuration files that may have been accidentally leaked. These may contain sensitive data such as login credentials, server configurations,

Backup files dork

backup-files dork

a search query used to find backup files that may have been accidentally leaked online. These files can contain sensitive information such as source code, database backups,

config-fiels dork

Directory Listing

a search query used to find web directories that have directory listing enabled, allowing directory contents to be listed and browsed.
